Tema: Vicevi
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Staro 06-02-2007, 17:42
Becar Becar je odsutan trenutno
Registriran: Nov 2006
Postovi: 227
Becar je na dobrom putu 17

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( Allo' Allo! )

Three men (a Belgian, a German and a French) have an audition for a new
job in England. The interviewer tells them:
- " OK, you'll have to formulate a sentence with the 3 words: green,
pink and yellow."

First, the Belgian says:
- " I wake up in the morning, I eat a yellow banana, a green pepper and
in the evening I watch the Pink Panther on TV".

Then, the German:
- " I wake up in the morning, I see the yellow sun, the green grass and
I think to myself: I hope it will be a pink day".

And the French :
- " I wake up in ze morningk, I hear ze phone: green... green...
green... pink up ze phone and I say "Yellow"? "
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